Walking through the aftermath of another Battle in The Trisden Plains, a ranger finds herself navigating the bloodstained defensive barricades of Oswythian Resistance. She comes to an undamaged barbed wire fence, reaching her spear out to lift it out of the way, she lets out a sudden scream, but no one is around to hear her...
Questionable Ethics
When armies recruit questionable mages and artificers, you end up with battlefields littered with traps like Animated Barbed Wire.
When touched, this seemingly normal barbed wire springs to life, entangling whichever poor creature happened to touch it.
The creature must succeed on a DC16 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained by the wire, which constricts tightly around it. The wire deals 3d10 piercing damage to a creature that fails the save, or half as much to a creature that succeeds.
Once triggered, the magic dissipates, and another creature can attempt to free the trapped creature with a DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or thieves tools check. On a failure, both creatures take 1d10 piercing damage. The trapped creature can also attempt to make this check by itself at disadvantage.
Variant: Barbed Rope of Entanglement
A permanent variation of this trap is the Barbed Rope of Entanglement. This magical wire functions identically to the Rope of Entanglement, except that it deals 2d10 piercing damage when it first restrains a creature. The holder can then use their bonus action to deal an additional 1d10 piercing damage to a restrained creature each turn after that.
This post is part 1 of my series for Whumptober 2021. The prompt for this post is "All Trussed Up And Still Nowhere To Go"
View other parts here.