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Puzzle: The Misty Maze

Hi there! I've written a companion piece to this article, looking at the "why" behind the mechanics of this maze, and some tips on running it effectively. You can find that post here.

If you're just looking to run the maze for your party, then keep reading!

The map can be downloaded here.

The Maze

The Hedges of this maze are 5ft thick and rise 12ft high to a stone ceiling. They cannot be damaged in any way, however lightning damage will cause the hedges to grow rapidly and block the path. This new growth is not immune to damage, and can be chopped or burned away.

The hedges also block sound, limiting the ability for players to communicate and find each other. Characters must have a direct, unobstructed line between them, or be no more than 20ft around a corner in order to hear each other.

A Thick Fog permeates the maze, limiting a characters vision to within 5ft. The fog is magical, and cannot be removed. This fog also extends to the Ethereal Plane.

The Rooms throughout the maze do not contain the fog, and the doors to them are unlocked. The exception to this is The Northern Door that leads out of the maze, which is sealed and will only open once the challenge has been completed.

The Red Markers on the map indicate basins and pools that contain Water Weirds (MM p.299). They will only appear if a character comes within 5ft of them with a lit beacon, and will use their reaction to attempt to douse it. Have the Water Weird make an attack roll contested by a dexterity saving throw from the character. The flame is doused if the Water Weird is successful. If a character is carrying two beacons, they must roll a separate save for each.

The Challenge

As players enter the maze, have each of them roll a d6 to determine their starting position, referring to the blue numbers around the edge of the map below. No more than two players can start in a single location.

The party will hear a voice ring out, followed by the toll of a bell.

"Bring five flaming beacons to the centre of the maze before the 12th bell tolls"

Have the party roll initiative, with grouped characters sharing the higher initiative. On subsequent rounds, the top initiative position will be taken by the bell. Roll a d20, on an 11 or higher, another bell tolls.

The party will use their turns to move throughout the maze. To add to the disorientation, have them track their characters on their own individual maps. Inform them of how far they move, and the choices immediately before them (left, right, straight, through a door etc.). Remember that they cannot see more than 5ft ahead of them.

There are six burning braziers throughout the maze, which burn with a bright blue fire. There will be at least one unlit beacon near each one which characters can use their action to light. The party must find and light five of these beacons, before placing them in the pedestals in the central chamber to complete the challenge.

The Map

Areas within the maze.

A) A statue of a knight with a greatsword plunged into the ground,

B) A dais in the shape of a lotus flower. In the centre is a lit brazier and one unlit beacon.

C) A statue of a lion standing over a lit brazier and two unlit beacons.

D) A central pool containing four Water Weirds (MM p.299), one in each quadrant.

E) An onyx statue of a panther.

F) A statue of a hooded figure carrying a burning brazier and one unlit beacon.

G) A row of four stone pillars.

H) A raised dais with a burning brazier and one unlit beacon.

I) Two statues of figures reading from books.

J) Statues of four robed monks carrying a lit brazier and two unlit beacons.

K) Statues of four women carrying lit torches above a lit brazier and one unlit beacon.

L) Two statues pointing towards Area K

M) The central chamber, containing five pedestals with slots to accept the beacons.


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